
www.osm-tools.org - Tahwin

services for OpenStreetMap

Description of Tiles@home for Windows (tahwin)

A windows installer for the Tiles@Home distributed map rendering. The map rendered is knows as Osmarender. This is based on the original Perl/Tk scripts from Eddi di Pieri. I improved some details and have completely rewritten the installation system.
The latest version is available on http://downloads.osm-tools.org/tahwin-setup-latest.exe.

The installer contains all needed binaries that are available for redistribution. The perl modules are not allowed to be redistributed, so the installer has to download them during installation. In case some of the needed files are removed from the network the installer will fail. In this case let me know so I can provide a fixed version.


Get an impression by checking out the screenshots or get if for yourself from http://downloads.osm-tools.org/.

Tiles@home for Windows (tahwin) installation screen:

Tiles@home for Windows (tahwin) installation

Tiles@home for Windows (tahwin) GUI:

Tiles@home for Windows (tahwin) GUI


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Page provided by www.osm-tools.org, © 2010-2011 Stephan Knauß